Manifesto is one of the best movies that questions "art", its existence, function, schools and understanding of art from very interesting angles. The movie draws on the writings of Futurists, Dadaists, Fluxus artists, Suprematists, Situtationists, Dogma 95 and other artist groups, and the musings of individual artists, architects, dancers and filmmakers, editing and reassembling them as a collage of artists' manifestos, ultimately questioning the role of the artist in society today.
Performing these 'new manifestos' while inhabiting thirteen different personas - among them a school teacher, a puppeteer, a newsreader, a factory worker and a homeless man - Cate Blanchett imbues new dramatic life into these famous words in unexpected contexts.
Strongly suggested.

In the world of high-end art auctions and antiques, Virgil Oldman is an elderly and esteemed but eccentric genius art-expert, known and appreciated by the world. Oldman is hired by a solitary young heiress, Claire Ibbetson, to auction off the large collection of art and antiques left to her by her parents. For some reason, Claire always refuses to be seen in person. Robert aids Oldman in restoring and reassembling some odd mechanical parts he finds amongst Claire's belongings, while also giving him advice on how to befriend her and deal with his feelings towards her. Also a friend of Oldman, Billy Whistler helps him to acquire a secret private collection of master paintings.

An insight into the art business...How art is open to fraud...a revision of prominent art works...and love for art...the movie presents a fantastic artful environment and critic in the setting of Paris, a center for art for decades casting Audrey Hepburn.
Wealthy Charles Bonnet is well known in the art world as a collector of rare pieces, mostly of the impressionist masters. He will on occasion sell paintings from his collection at auction. In reality, he is an art forger, he only reproducing those pieces known to have gone missing. His daughter, Nicole Bonnet, wants him to stop this business fearing that some day soon he will get caught. She is most concerned about he loaning out his Cellini Venus statue to the Kléber-Lafayette Museum, as she knows that technology can now test for things such as material age which would prove that the statue and by association he is a fraud.

Abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock is featured in Life magazine. Flashback to 1941, he's living with his brother in a tiny apartment in New York City, drinking too much, and exhibiting an occasional painting in group shows. That's when he meets artist Lee Krasner, who puts her career on hold to be his companion, lover, champion, wife, and, in essence, caretaker. To get him away from booze, insecurity, and the stress of city life, they move to the Hamptons where nature and sobriety help Pollock achieve a breakthrough in style: a critic praises, then Life magazine calls. But so do old demons: the end is nasty, brutish, and short.
Movies are a good way of learning about artists/painters and to get some inspiration. Main idea from Pollock is "inspiration can knock at your door any time and can change all conception of art all at once...Never give up."

"There is art because the world is not perfect." says Andrei Tarkovsky. And I say there is art maybe because words are not enough...
An art instructor and an English teacher form a rivalry that ends up with a competition at their school in which students decide whether words or pictures are more important.

A feministic look at Belgian actress Yolande Moreau's life, a biopic, starring as a little-known but uncommonly brilliant painter.
Though ostensibly a shepherdess and housekeeper whose chief duties involved cooking, cleaning, and ironing, in her off-hours Séraphine joyously turned to natural elements of the outdoor world, with which she felt a tremendous degree of emotional and spiritual communion. Séraphine channeled these undying passions through painting, and, having only the scantest materials at hand, created paints from elements such as animal blood, oil from church candles, and dirt pulled from the ground. With these crude and raw tools, the nascent, budding artist created tableaux of floral arrangements utterly unlike any seen before. Sadly, future lay ahead for the young woman accompanied by continued obscurity and emotional isolation.

In a story depicted in oil painted animation, a young man comes to the last hometown of painter Vincent van Gogh to deliver the troubled artist's final letter and ends up investigating his final days there.

There are many documentaries and movies on Vincent Van Gogh's life and artistic career, but this festival film closely reflects him as a painter as sure of his artistic vision, yet also as emotionally needy, psychologically troubled and socially isolated as Vincent van Gogh.
Willem Dafoe’s magnificent performance captures every bit of the artist’s complexity With stunning visuals and a judicious balance of poetry and drama, the movie takes us into both Van Gogh’s genius and his tortured life.
2nd Term

As for my second term project, I am searching literature and journalism as fields to combine with my art. In the devoloping project , interdisciplinarity is the focus. Thus , It is important to question "how these fields will cooperate, how they are gonna contribute to each other and how they are reflect on my art."
I start with my adorable Thomas More, the author of the book of my life "Utopia". The movie is about The story of Thomas More, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarry.
Reference Books